Why Installing Composite Decking Over Wood Is Recommended?
Installing composite decking over wood decking is an amazing idea! Consider replacing your wood deck if it has started to squeak, wobble or rot. A deck that has outlived its usefulness might pose a serious safety risk, not to mention that it will begin to deteriorate in appearance. By removing and replacing your old wooden deck, you'll be doing a lot of good for both you and the environment.
Due to the short lifespan of wood decks, composite decking is increasingly being used in their place since it is so much more durable. However, many homeowners wonder why installing composite decking over wood is preferable. Let's see what happens!
Installing Composite Decking Over Wood: What’s the Idea?
Installing composite decking over wood decking might save you a lot of time if you replace an old wood deck. Is it possible for you to accomplish this? In a nutshell, sure. Rather than constructing a new framework, you may save time and money by simply gluing composite deck planks over the top of wooden ones. Although you're capable, is it worth it?
Wood or Composite Decking: Which Should You Use?
While it seems that you may resurface your old hardwood decking with a fresh layer, should you? The answer is no. Even while it may seem to be the most practical option when it comes to saving both time and money, there are several drawbacks.
Consider the condition of the current wood deck before beginning any renovations. How old is it, exactly? Is it a relatively recent development? Does it need to be replaced since it has started to rot? These are critical questions to address because new materials placed on top of old decking might have a direct influence on the decking underneath. Existing boards on a wooden deck will shorten the life of the new composite boards that are installed on top.
Even though composite deck boards are very resistant to decay, the surrounding structure will be affected. A buildup of moisture will deteriorate the original wood decking and the newly installed composite decking. Put simply, replacing wood floors with new composite ones may do more damage than good since they will ultimately cost you more money to repair.
Composite boards may be installed on top of a pressure-treated wooden deck, which may not impair the quality or durability of your new decking if it is relatively fresh. If it does, it will not have the same effect on the structure as a deteriorated deck. However, the issue remains: why would you want to construct over a new or recently installed deck?? It is important to take into account the cost of materials before beginning any project since composite decking has a high initial cost.
How to Install Composite Decking Over Wood ?
Changing the appearance of a wood deck by installing composite decking over wood decking is a simple and fast process. A 12-inch space between framing components is required to ensure that the added weight won't cause structural damage to the structure. Decks with frames older than five years should not have this method performed since the additional weight poses a major danger of collapse.
Add enough joists to create the distance between joists 12 inches or less to strengthen your structure. With 16- or 24-inch spacing between joists, most decks are framed. Use joist hangers to secure and quickly install new framing members. If this is feasible, attach them from the bottom of the deck.
Remove a few deck boards from the outer edge of the rim joists to provide access from the top if necessary, and then slide them under and into place.
- Changing the appearance of a wood deck by covering it with composite decking is a simple and fast process.
- Joists should be spaced no more than 12 inches apart to strengthen your structure.
Attach one side of the joist hangers while folding the other side open to accommodate the joist in a square configuration with the rim or outer joist. When attaching the hangers, measure the distance from one joist to the other.
To install a new joist, cut it to the same length as your current joists and slip it under the deck. Assist it with the hanger, then press its loose side into place. Make sure that the loose end of the hanger is attached to the rim. Attach the hanger to the newly installed joist.
Two screws should be used to secure the current deck boards to the new joist at every junction. Check the deck for any further issues that may be lurking around. To secure loose deck planks, use nails or screws. Check for any loose bolts or screws in the joints of the posts and joist hangers.
- Attach one side of the joist hangers while folding the other side open to accommodate the joist in a square configuration with the rim or outer joist.
- Assemble your new joists with two screws at each deck board junction.
To lay the boards, start at one of the corners of the deck. Start on the outer edge of your deck if it is connected to the house. To prevent the spaces between the boards from being completely covered, install your composite decking perpendicular to the original. As a result, water from rain and other sources may drain away. Decking should be screwed down every 16 to 24 inches with two screws per side. Make sure that the rows of the boards are all the same length. To keep them in line with the hardwood deck, just use a fast square.
- Deck planks should be laid starting from a corner.
- They should be 90 degrees apart from the current wooden deck using a fast square.
The more full-length clips you can use, the better your content will be. You'll need to use a jigsaw to carefully cut notches around deck pillars and other obstacles. You can always trim them if they don't fit perfectly after you've cut them. With a circular saw and a square, cut the overhang from the end pieces of the deck to the desired length. Start the next row with the cut-off piece so that the seams between board ends are staggered more easily.
- The greatest lengths should be used to their full potential.
- Start the next row with the cut-off piece so that the seams between board ends are staggered more easily.
- Secure the butt-end joints between boards and begin screwing the first 4 inches of each new board. Row spacing with a framing square to allow for optimum drainage is recommended.
If you want to keep your fasteners from deteriorating and staining because of moisture buildup on the screw heads, drive them down to the deck surface. Make the attachment using 1 5/8-inch treated deck screws.
Trim the final board to fit as tightly as possible along with the house. If it's parallel to the house, draw a chalk line to indicate any necessary bevels or angles.
Top 4 Expert Recommended Tips for Installing Composite Decking Over Wood!
A few simple precautions will help your composite decking last a long time while Installing composite decking over wood decking:
1. Treat Your Timber Joist Cut Ends
When cutting your joists, make careful to preserve the ends with a preservative. This is considered best practice. Joist ends are protected in the same manner as other pressure-treated wood. If you're looking to save money and time, this is a worthwhile investment in wood joists.
2. Slightly Reduce The Slope of The Roof To Aid Drainage
To prevent water from sitting on top of your wood joists, it's best to include a tiny slope in your framework. By doing so, you'll improve drainage and water runoff and decrease the likelihood of standing water under your deck.
3. Apply Joist Tape To The Joists' Top Surfaces
Water will not be able to get through the top of your joists if you use a waterproof membrane on their surface. In the shape of adhesive tape, this covers the whole surface of your joists. Using this joist tape solution, you can protect your joints from the negative effects of water resting between them.
4. Debris Should Be Removed From The Space Between Joists And Boards
Finally, we recommend that you take care of your wood joists regularly. During the winter, it's a good idea to take a few minutes to clean up the spaces between your floorboards and joists.
When composite decking was first introduced, there was a mixture of enthusiasm and skepticism about the product. Passion for an innovative technology solution rivaled or perhaps surpassed that of conventional wood decks. Skepticism about the cost, appearance, and adaptability of composite decking is also prevalent.
Now installing composite decking over wood has gone a long way since its inception and continues to gain popularity. Are you considering building a new deck? You may want to think about composite. So, what are you waiting for? Order amazing composite decking boards from The Composite Company right now and do it amazingly.